My time at Purchase College

BFA in Technical Direction & Production Management

Technical Director

Good Goods (2023, Senior)

Orestes (2023, Senior)

Orpheus Descending (2022, Senior)

Senior Showcase (2022, Junior)


Our shows are either small, medium, or large scale. This determines our budget and schedule


TDs send out weekly Labor Breakdowns

Biggest Takeaway: You have to prioritize people. The show will never be more important than the health and safety of the people who work on it. As a leader you have to look out for everyone working under you. Sometimes, no one else will.

Lead Technical Designer

Life is a Dream (2022, Junior)


LTDs lead a drafting team and draft scenery themselves


As an LTD, I designed and implemented a drafting report to keep my team in the loop.

Biggest Takeaway: When in doubt, communicate more. I had always felt out of the loop as a carpenter. As an LTD, I wanted everyone to be on the same page.

Production Carpenter

Sweat (2022, Junior)

Everybody (2022, Junior)

Load In & Load Out

Planning with paperwork and leading a crew!


Sweat and Everybody were in rep. Every night, I lead a crew to switch between these two sets.

Biggest Takeaway: Delegate! Also: think things through to the best of your ability, but know that you can't plan for everything. There will always be in-the-moment problems to solve. Trust that you can make decisions on the spot.

Lead Scenic Carpenter

As You Like It (2021, Sophomore)

In the Shop

Shop Reports

Biggest Takeaway: Sometimes there is no right answer, you just have to make a decision.